Mp repro
HP Latex Printer Series
The project with the church, we were told that there wold be walls that were curved.
Materials had to be glued to different types of surfaces and quickly we understood that it wold not be a simple project, and it was evident that we were going to work with HP.
Our relationship with HP is critical to our success. Definitely the HP Latex 365 Printer made a difference to how we could provide services to our clients.
– Carmela Martinez, President
HP DesignJetのすべてを体感 HP 東京グラフィックス エクスペリエンス センター
当デモルームは2022年春、東京都大田区平和島に「 HP 東京グラフィックス エクスペリエンス センター」としてリニューアル移転いたしました。