Print for the future

HP- recognized among the most sustainable corporations in the world.

Procházením zobrazíte další možnosti

Where do you want to start?

Having Purpose
Reinvent the Future of Sustainable Printing
The Science of Latex
Sustainability overview - Environmental labels and certificates
Reducing Impact
HP Success Stories
Related Blog Articles
HP Sustainability Impact Series
Creating a sustainable edge in Large Format Printing

Watch the replay - HP Sustainability Impact series

Jak vytvořit udržitelné tiskové služby, které vaší značce přilákají klienty

Having Purpose

Having purpose is essential. It drives us. Inspires us. Literally, keep us alive. And not many companies have the opportunity or ability to have a purpose like HP's: To create technology that makes life better for every-one, everywhere. It is a bold and authentic reason for being.
Sustainable Impact is our commitment to create positive, lasting change for the planet, its people and our communities. And it´s been a part of our company´s DNA from the very beginning. Eighty years ago. Dave Packard, one of HP´s founders said. "The betterment of our society is not a job to be left to a few. It is a responsability to be shared by all".

Reinvent the Future of Sustainable Printing

Every year new digital printing technology emerges, aiming to find the latest ways to improve the printing quality while minimizing printing time and keeping it sustainable. With an end-to-end approach, HP continues to drive a greater sustainable impact in large-format printing with each new generation of HP Latex Printing System. HP has the commitment and the scale to address current, as well as anticipated environmental needs, and to continue leading the change in signage printing.

The Science of Latex

HP Latex is a water-based ink technology, meaning up to 65% of the ink formula is water.

The latest water-based HP Latex Inks are designed to avoid the hazards associated with other inks without trading off performance providing a more comfortable work environment for your operators. HP Latex Inks do not release Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs). They avoid reactive monomer chemistry exposure and ozone generation. This ink formula is combined with wetting agents and humectants needed for printhead reliability (which, incidentally, your HP home printer also uses) to produce a liquid ink vehicle that carries the latex polymer and pigment particles to and through the printer's printheads onto the substrate.
Radiant heat and forced airflow evaporate the liquid and set the latex, binding the pigments and substrate together to leave a durable image on the print media surface. Prints are ready to use, even animate, immediately.

Vše, co je třeba vědět o inkoustech HP Latex

Print on eco-conscious media to drive greater sustainable impact with your HP Latex.

Sustainability overview - Environmental labels and certificates

Reducing Impact

Reducing impact--aspiring to a world without waste. With an end-to-end approach, HP continues to drive a greater sustainable impact in large-format printing through manufacturing, product design materials, and product and print end of life.

HP Latex prints are recyclable, non-hazardous and safe for disposal. The new labeless carton based HP ink cartridge says goodbye to plastic-based ink cartridges - reducing plastic by 80%.
The carton box can be recycled locally, while the ink bag can be returned for free through HP Planer Partners, as well as used HP Printheads.

Recycling supplies is easy with HP Planet Partners



  • Pomozte zajistit spokojenost zaměstnanců, zákazníků i firmy


– zajistěte příjemné pracovní prostředí


Velkoformátové inkousty HP na vodní bázi.
Bez nebezpečných látek znečišťujících ovzduší.2
Tisk bez zápachu3 vhodný i do prostorů s přísnými požadavky.


  • omezte svůj dopad s produkcí plastů


Tiskárny a spotřební materiál HP obsahují plasty končící v oceánech a recyklované plasty ověřené společností UL.6
Bezplatný zpětný odběr v rámci programu HP Planet Partners.7
Kazety HP jsou vyrobeny z lepenky a využívají ze 100 % recyklovaný lepenkový materiál.8
Kompatibilní s alternativními PVC médii.9


– využívejte ekologické certifikace


Jediná technologie na trhu velkoformátového reklamního tisku s inkousty s certifikací UL ECOLOGO®.4
Certifikace UL GREENGUARD Gold.5
Jediné velkoformátové tiskárny na trhu reklamního tisku s registrací EPEAT.

Tiskněte bezpečně a udržitelněji s produkty HP Latex

HP Success Stories


Ekologický tisk s tiskárnou HP Latex R1000

OClock Soluciones

HP Latex R2000, perfektní odpověď


Výhoda rychlosti: Rychlé dodání zákazníkům.

Related Blog Articles

Think Print Isn’t Sustainable? Think again!

Did you know that the latest generation of water-based HP Latex inks don’t require any hazard warning labels nor do they contain any Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) [1]?

Číst dále

HP Sustainability Impact Series

Sustainability is the need of the hour - for customers, brands and businesses alike.
As one of the most sustainable companies in the world, HP continues to lead the change in sustainable printing solutions. Now it's time to think about how sustainable change can come from something as simple as how we choose to print. Together we can drive effective change for a sustainable future. Join our event series to know the latest sustainability trends and how they can have a positive impact and benefits to your business.
Septembre, 30, 2021 - Motivation to be sustainable coffee talk
October 14, 2021 - Trends towards a circular business model coffee talk
October 21, 2021 - Water-based ink - safety and certification advantages coffee talk
October 28, 2021 - Putting sustainability at the heart of your business webinar
November 4, 2021 - How to meet brands' increasing sustainability demands coffee talk

Creating a sustainable edge in Large Format Printing

Whether you are concerned about regulations, your customers are becoming more eco-conscious or just the cure of your operators, there is a good chance that sustainability and safety topics are towards the top of your priorities list.
As sustainability is a big focus for HP and it’s becoming more relevant throughout the print industry, we invited 2 experts to share their inputs on how you can create your sustainable edge:

Jak vytvořit udržitelné tiskové služby, které vaší značce přilákají klienty

Interested in our sustainability?

Designed to avoid the hazards associated with eco-solvent, UV, and UV-gel inks without trading off performance

Sharpen your sustainability edge with HP Latex


[1] Applicable to HP Latex technology compared to competitive large-format printing alternatives using solvent and UV technologies. Not all certifications are applicable for all generations of HP Latex Inks. See individual product data sheets for more information at
[2] HP Latex Inks were tested for Hazardous Air Pollutants, as defined in the Clean Air Act, per U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Method 311 (testing conducted in 2013) and none were detected.
[3] Applicable to HP Latex Inks. Based on sensory evaluations conducted by Odournet, done according to VDI Guideline 3882 where 832 and 873 inks were characterized as “weak” in odor intensity and “neutral” for hedonic tone. There is a broad set of media with very different odor profiles. Some of the media can affect the odor performance of the final print.
[4] The HP Latex 700/800 printer total plastic weight uses 10 kg (22 lbs) or 20% recycled plastics recovered from post-consumer electronics, closed loop from HP Planet Partners, soda bottles, and UL Validated ocean bound resins. HP received the first recycled content validation for ocean bound plastics from UL under the UL 2809 Environmental Claim Validation Procedure, see
[5] Visit to see how to participate and for HP Planet Partners program availability; program may not be available in your jurisdiction. Where this program is not available, and for other consumables not included in the program, consult your local waste authorities on appropriate disposal. Free hardware collection and transportation for loads over 500 kg/1 000 lbs in the US.
[6] 100% outer box packaging made from recycled fibers. Certified by AMB Packaging Pte. Ltd
[7] HP applications experts have evaluated the catalog of media listed in the HP Media Locator based on internal criteria to identify those that provide alternative solutions with certain environmental benefits compared to the typical media within the same application type. The information in media locator is provided by the media substrate vendors. HP is not responsible for the veracity of the information from third-party companies published on the HP website. See
[8] UL ECOLOGO® Certified HP 832, HP 872, HP 873, and 882 Latex Inks and HP 864, 865, 865, 886, 867, 869, and 870 L PageWide XL Inks meet a range of stringent human health and environmental considerations. For certifications, and
[9] Applicable to HP Latex Inks. UL GREENGUARD Gold Certification to UL 2818 demonstrates that products are certified to UL’s GREENGUARD standards for low chemical emissions into indoor air during product usage. Unrestricted room size—full decorated room; 33.4 m2 (360 ft2) in an office environment; 94.6 m2 (1,018 ft2) in a classroom environment. For more information, visit or For certifications, see
[10] Applicable to select HP Latex printers. EPEAT registered where applicable/supported. See for registration status by country.

Související tiskárny

HP Latex R1000 Printer

Pomozte nastartovat růst vaší firmy se snadným automatickým tiskem úloh s vysokou hodnotou na pevná média s použitím bílé barvy1

HP Latex R1000 Plus Printer

Zvyšte růst svého podnikání tiskem úloh s vysokou hodnotou na jednom zařízení pomocí bílého inkoustu1, na pevná i pružná média.

HP Latex R2000 Plus Printer

Nekompromisní kvalita a barvy1 na pevných médiích formátu až 2,5 m (98 palců) pro trvale udržitelnou produkci

Domluvit si předvedení

Sice se nemůžeme setkat osobně, ale proč se nezúčastnit živého předvedení produktu nebo se připojit k prezentaci od našich odborníků probíhající v reálném čase.

Pokud si chcete vše naplánovat předem, jednoduše klikněte na odpovídající tlačítko, které najdete níže.

Vyžádat si vzorek

Máte zájem prohlédnout si naše vzorové výtisky? Vyžádejte si vzorek z naší vybrané řady.

Rádi vám pomůžeme najít cestu k naplnění představ vašich zákazníků a k dalšímu růstu.

Obrátit se na odborného prodejce

Naši obchodní zástupci jsou tu, aby vám pomohli. Odešlete nám následující formulář a autorizovaný zástupce společnosti HP vás bude kontaktovat buď telefonicky nebo e-mailem. Naši odborníci vám poradí, která tiskárna nejlépe vyhovuje vašim potřebám, a budou vás informovat o našem nejnovějším programu prodeje na protiúčet.

Virtual Booth
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