Bellutti GmbH

Bellutti GmbH relies on HP Latex 3600 and R-Series printers for the production of indoor and outdoor advertising

The Austrian Bellutti GmbH prints its orders for indoor and outdoor signage as well as for buildings and vehicles wrapping only on HP Latex printers. Bellutti is investing in a total of four new printers. The first HP Latex 3600 was installed back in February, the second in May. This will be followed in June by the installation of two more printers. This includes a third HP Latex 3600 and an HP Latex R2000 hybrid printer for rigid material. Bellutti choses HP Latex because of sustainalbility and they have a full solution on circularity of materials.

"HP convinces us with two things in particular: high quality and sustainability. Both are important requirements of ours. The HP Latex printers are leading the way in terms of their ecological compatibility - this ranges from the water-based and odorless latex inks to the return of empty cartridges with HP Planet Partner Program and innovations to reduce packaging."

- Manuel Bellutti, CEO, Bellutti GmbH

An example of the combination of sustainable and at the same time high-quality prints is Bellutti's commitment to the World Mountain and Trail Running Championships, which will take place from June 6th to 12th, 2023 in Innsbruck-Stubai. Banner material made from recycled post-consumer waste was used for the event. Bellutti helped develop the material. After the event, it goes back to the manufacturer, is recycled again and made into new banners.

»The World Mountain and Trail Running Championships is an event that combines performance and sustainability. It fits in perfectly with our – and HP's – way of thinking and acting«, continues Manuel Bellutti. »Our goal is that all outdoor advertising that we put up is recycled. At the same time, it should inspire spectators and athletes alike at the event with its rich, bright colors and razor-sharp prints.«

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