Speed and color in one device
- Don't sacrifice productivity—keep projects moving with the fastest color printer at 6D color pages/min in its class1
- Produce excellent CAD lines and graphics applications in monochrome and color with one large-format device.
- No time is lost waiting for printouts—this printer delivers the first page out in 20 seconds.2
Simple and optimized
- Give users an easy one-click copy and scan experience via the intuitive 15-in front panel.
- Optimize space with a large-format printer that is 20% more compact. 3
Protect your printer, data, and network
- Defend your network and data with the world’s most secure large-format printer. 6
- Protect your printer from cyberthreats with HP Wolf Enterprise.
- Monitor the status of your printer with Command Center's centralized dashboard
Take sustainability further with cardboard-based cartridges4 and printer made with 33% recycled plastic.5
Multifunkční tiskárna HP DesignJet XL 3800 je vybavena HP Flex Tech Inks, prvními inkousty na trhu velkoformátového tisku, které splňují certifikaci UL ECOLOGO.
The fastest color printer in its class1
HP DesignJet XL 3800 Multifunction Printer
Available in 914 mm (36 inches)
Up to 6 A1/D color pages/minute, first page out in 20 seconds
Maximum roll size: 914 mm (36 inches), 47.2 m (150 ft), max diameter: 177 mm (7 inches)
Man-o-War supplies (500-ml)
Memory 128 GB (file processing)7
Connectivity: LAN
Solutions: HP Command Center, HP Smart, HP Click, HP Smart Stream
- Based on comparison of published speed specifications commissioned by HP and performed by Sogeti in February 2023. HP DesignJet XL 3800 top speed of 6 color D pages per minute compared to top speed specifications of mono and color printers from different manufacturers comparable in terms of price range, speed and market relevance based on their worldwide market share as of February 2023 according to IDC. Further details available upon request.
- When the printer is in idle and ready, performing a reprint in fast printmode ON PLAIN PAPER from history in job queue after 35s from the last plot and less than 3h.
- Based on comparison of operational footprint commissioned by HP and performed by Sogeti in February 2023. HP DesignJet XL 3800 operational footprint compared to operational footprint of reference competitor in TDP low volume market segment. Further details available upon request.
- The ink cartridge HP Carton Based cartridge outer carton is 100% recyclable through local cardboard/paper programs. Inner materials including the ink bag are 55% recyclable and can be returned free of charge to the HP Planet Partners program for reprocessing of plastic parts. Zero landfill. For take-back of ink bag/printhead/prints, visit http://www.hp.com/recycle to see how to participate and for HP Planet Partners program availability; program may not be available in your jurisdiction.
- Percentage of recycled plastic is calculated by plastic total weight.
- Based on comparison of published security specifications commissioned by HP and performed by Sogeti in February 2023. Comparison of HP DesignJet XL 3800 security features and competitors from different manufacturers that represent the majority of TDP low volume market share worldwide as of February 2023. Further details available upon request.
- Based on 8 GB RAM.
Domluvit si předvedení
Sice se nemůžeme setkat osobně, ale proč se nezúčastnit živého předvedení produktu nebo se připojit k prezentaci od našich odborníků probíhající v reálném čase.
Pokud si chcete vše naplánovat předem, jednoduše klikněte na odpovídající tlačítko, které najdete níže.
Vyžádat si vzorek
Máte zájem prohlédnout si naše vzorové výtisky? Vyžádejte si vzorek z naší vybrané řady.
Rádi vám pomůžeme najít cestu k naplnění představ vašich zákazníků a k dalšímu růstu.
Obrátit se na odborného prodejce
Naši obchodní zástupci jsou tu, aby vám pomohli. Odešlete nám následující formulář a autorizovaný zástupce společnosti HP vás bude kontaktovat buď telefonicky nebo e-mailem. Naši odborníci vám poradí, která tiskárna nejlépe vyhovuje vašim potřebám, a budou vás informovat o našem nejnovějším programu prodeje na protiúčet.