Stickers & Posters
Stickers and posters company reaching new heights with HP PageWide XL Pro 10000 Printer

When Jay Butterfield founded Stickers & Posters in 1980, he had little idea of what his company would grow into. Four decades later, the business now prints and ships thousands of orders
every day, from stickers and posters to wrapping paper and table runners. In the face of rising competition, Stickers & Posters has accelerated production from a couple of hundred stickers per
day to over 15,000. Business is booming. The secret? Vision – and technology that can keep up.
They share their story of how they reached greater heights of productivity, powered by the HP PageWide XL Pro 10000 Printer. The company has tripled their output while maintaining the same staffing levels – an impressive achievement. This success story explores the journey of innovation and growth without compromising values.

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