Debbie Lynn
We purchased in January 2022. With the purchase we acquired a HP Designjet Pro Z6800. It was an amazing thing to see this printer work and print our large 48X63 inch posters. This business was a new experience for us, and we did not completely understand the potential we had with the ability to print our own coloring posters.
Once we started testing to grow, we began to attract new customers creating more orders. During February and March, we increased our orders 5x and quickly realized we had something unique. With the growth, I started having to stay later and later to print each order off of the HP Design Jet Pro Z6800. I was able to print about 20 posters every 90 minutes. Unfortunately, we could not keep up with the demand for our products with one printer.
We did not have room to add another printer to our first warehouse office space, so we had to slow down sales until we could move to a warehouse with a bigger office.
We researched adding another printer to help us speed up production for our posters. Since our first experience was with the HP Design Jet Pro Z6800, we realized this machine was a workhorse, and we needed a faster workhorse. So we turned to HP to see what their new wide format printers could do.

The HP Design Jet Z6 Pro was the answer for us. The speed of printing has helped us keep up with our increasing orders. The ability of the HP Design Jet Z6 Pro to hold two rolls of paper, each 225 feet long, allows me to send twice as many jobs to the printer. It is easier to load paper, and I do not have to mess with the spindle when loading a paper roll. Our files are large, and the capacity for the Z6 to receive these files versus the Z6800 is quicker, which saves time.
We think that ultimately, we will need to add two more printers to keep up with the demand. Once we moved in June, we purchased an HP Design Jet Z6 Pro 64-inch printer and started growing again.
As we started attracting more orders, we can now keep up with the demand. With the HP Design Jet Z6 Pro, we can print 20 posters in less than 60 minutes, allowing us to fulfill orders even faster. Increasing the speed of printing is helping us to print more coloring posters and continue expanding.
We have loved the improvements HP has made to their wide format printers. Both printers are very reliable and have not given us any real problems. We run them for about 7 to 10 hours daily, and they keep printing. The HP Design Jet Z6 Pro has given us the ability to stay up with our growth and provides us with the ability to grow more.

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