K3 Co.
HP Latex Printer Series
K3 is a one-stop professional group that handles everything from wallpaper consultation to material selection, design, and construction management.
K3 offers optimal solutions for a wide range of applications, from personal use to commercial, commercial and public facilities. K3 deploy HP Latex printers, which are ecofriendly and easy to use, and build a system capable of accommodating diverse consumer demand.

“Using HP Latex printers has advantages not just for end-users but also for installation companies like us. The ink is odorless, so the working environment is comfortable. Not only that, but workplace risk are also mitigated by the fact that the HP Latex ink does not come with a toxic substance waring label.

Book a demo
While we can’t meet in person, why not to attend a live product demo or join live presentation from our experts.
To schedule it in advance, simply click the corresponding button below.

Are you interested in seeing for yourself our print samples? Request your sample kit from our selected range.
Let us help you unlock your customers’ imagination and grow.

Contact an HP sales expert
Our sales representatives are here to help. Submit the following form and an HP-authorized representative will contact you by phone or email. Our experts can advise you on the best printer to suit your needs and inform you about our latest trade-in program.