Snelle, eenvoudige en kostenefficiënte productie

HP PageWide XL 5200 printerserie

Directe levering van afdrukken in zwart-wit en kleur

Reageer direct met printsnelheden tot 20 D/A1-pagina's per minuut.2Produceer betrouwbare technische afdrukken met levendige kleuren, strakke lijnen en fijne details die beter zijn dan met ledtechnologie.3 Verhoog uw productiviteit en lever 2x zo snel printtaken met verschillende formaten en papiersoorten.4

Verbeterde workflows, meer efficiëntie en beveiliging

Kies voor eenvoudige bediening vanaf de voor- en achterzijde met het grootste 15-inch touchscreen op de markt.5 Bespaar tijd met HP SmartStream. Scan onderweg met live scanvoorbeelden en contextuele nabewerking.1 Bescherm uw netwerk met de veiligste printer ter wereld.6

30% lagere productiekosten7

Print, scan, and copy in monochrome and color with a single HP-branded solution.1 Gain broad control over your printing costs and see up to 10 times lower energy consumption than comparable LED printers.8 Eco-Carton replaces plastic cartridge.

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Gerelateerde printers

HP PageWide XL 8200 Printer

Denk groot en werk efficiënter.

Aanbevolen toepassingen

  1. Claim: Printen, scannen en kopiëren
    Multifunctionele capaciteit is alleen beschikbaar op de HP PageWide XL 5200 multifunctionele printer.
  2. Claim: Print speeds up to 20 D/A1 pages/minute
    The HP PageWide XL 5200 Printer series delivers 20 CAD output D/A1 prints in 1 minute. Number of pages will vary depending on the print mode and application printed.
  3. Claim: Vivid color, crisp lines, and fine detail beat LED
    Based on testing commissioned by HP and performed by Sogeti in September, 2020. Fine detail based on the number of line breaks found in 1.5 mm of line. On vertical 1 px C,M,Y,K lines. Printed on Oce 75 g plain paper using equivalent fast/high-speed print modes. For output produced with an HP PageWide XL 8200 Printer and comparable printers from different manufacturers and that represent the majority market share of LED and UV-gel printers worldwide as of 2019 according to IDC.
  4. Claim: Mixed sizes/paper types in 50% of the time
    Based on testing commissioned by HP and performed by Sogeti in September, 2020 comparing the HP PageWide XL 8200/5200 Printer series and a comparable competitive printer that represents the majority market share of LED printers worldwide as of 2019 according to IDC, by preparing and printing the job. Test performed by sending 3 copies of a 6-page file combining sizes A0, A1 and plain, coated paper types. Measuring time from clicking “send” button until last page out of the printer. Printed in fast/CAD equivalent print quality mode.
  5. Claim: The market’s largest touchscreen
    Based on comparison of published front panel specifications commissioned by HP and performed by Sogeti in September, 2020. Comparison of the HP PageWide XL portfolio and competitors that represent the majority market share of LED and UV-gel printers worldwide as of 2019 according to IDC.
    World's most secure printer
  6. Based on comparison of published security specifications commissioned by HP and performed by Sogeti in September, 2020. Comparison of the HP PageWide XL portfolio and competitors that represent the majority market share of LED and UV-gel printers worldwide as of 2019 according to IDC. Comparison matrix and further details available upon request.
  7. Help cut production costs up to 30%
    Calculation based on total cost of ownership comparison and a comparable competitive printer that represents the majority market share of LED printers worldwide as of 2019 according to IDC. Analysis period of 1 year and assuming a production of 3,000 m2/month with a printing category distribution of: 70% lines, 20% low-density images, and 10% high-density images. Based on testing commissioned by HP and performed by Sogeti in September, 2020.
  8. Claim: Up to 10 times lower energy consumption
    Based on testing performed internally by HP based on ISO 20690 and performed September, 2020. Comparable printers using LED technology based on LED printers capable of printing 8-13 D/A1 pages per minute and which represent the majority market share of mid-volume LED printers in the US and Europe according to IDC as of October, 2020.

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