H2O Publicité
HP Decorates Cannes Film Festival with 1500m2 of Sustainable Latex Prints
HP played a leading role at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, the annual celebration of global film making, as an official partner and exclusive print technology provider – producing over 1500 square meters of material for the 10-day event in May. The organisers of the Festival chose HP’s Latex technology as its environmentally friendly credentials aligned with the festival’s sustainability commitments.

The prints were created and installed by local print service provider H2O, based just outside the town of Cannes. H2O produced all of the signage and displays at the festival, including rigid panels, outdoor signage, barriers, banners and posters. HP Latex technology, with its wide color gamut, enabled the firm to print in exceptional quality, meeting the festival's specifications in terms of definition, lighting, and color consistency. The products’ versatility was also key, enabling the creation of a wide range of applications.

“We chose Latex technology because we respect the user, we respect health at work”

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