Geo Knight Co Inc

USA-Made Heat Presses, with the Best Quality & Support in the world.

Geo Knight & Co is known throughout the imprinting industry for our top-end, high-quality heat press machinery. For heat pressing t-shirts, caps, plates, mugs, tiles, or anything else that requires heat transfer printing, we guarantee you will find a solution for your needs and budget on this website. From hobby presses to commercial grade manual & automatic heat presses, from industrial presses to large format heat presses, we make it all…and we make it in the USA right here at our factory in Brockton, MA.

"HP & Geo Knight Co are an perfect match combining precision printing technologies with industrial grade machinery for the application of those printed heat transfers. The combined brands produce professional commercial grade imprinting results for a vast range of materials and applications."

Aaron Knight, VP, Geo Knight & Co Inc

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Are you interested in seeing for yourself our print samples? Request your sample kit from our selected range.

Let us help you unlock your customers’ imagination and grow.

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Our sales representatives are here to help. Submit the following form and an HP-authorized representative will contact you by phone or email. Our experts can advise you on the best printer to suit your needs and inform you about our latest trade-in program.

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