Ultima Displays
Ultima Displays HP Stitch S1000 technology
Ultima Displays improves productivity and flexibility with HP Stitch S1000 technology
Thanks to HP's Stitch S1000 technology, the company has managed to increase its productivity and flexibility, with greater control of printing activities, consumption and time, while respecting sustainability.
The company Ultima Displays Italia S.r.l., part of the P3 Group based in the United States and throughout Europe, has been offering a complete range of portable and foldable display solutions to visual communication professionals for 20 years. The quality and diversity of services, the guarantee of a good product at the best price and the experience of the teams make it the European leader in its sector. Constantly working to deliver innovative products and quality services, Ultima Displays forges close ties and generates mutually beneficial alliances with its customers, including printers, fitters, event agencies, POS specialists, communication consultants and resellers.
In order to implement a more sophisticated system for its printing solutions in terms of quality, color gamut and versatility, in July 2022 Ultima Displays introduced the HP Stitch S1000 in its Monselice production system. The company's goal was to increase the performance of the printing department in terms of productivity and flexibility and to switch from a direct to indirect (transfer) mode printing system, with a technology that was at the same time sustainable.
HP Stitch S1000 printers are in fact designed to offer greater versatility and smooth operation with high quality, allowing PSPs to diversify their offer in the field of soft signage and interior décor. Image quality is ensured by the interaction between the Smart Nozzle Compensation system and the Optical Media Advance Sensor Plus. Operator replaceable printheads and support for HP preventive maintenance help increase uptime, while spreader rollers, 10-liter ink cartridges and rolls up to 600 lbs (300 kg) allow you to leave the device safely unattended while printing.
In line with the company's sustainability goals, which uses only OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certified eco-friendly fabrics and inks, the HP Stitch S1000 technology uses ECO PASSPORT certified sublimation inks - a standard that verifies the safety of chemical products used in the textile and leather industries – and, through the HP Planet Partners initiative, benefit from a free and affordable printhead recycling scheme.
“Thanks to this technology, we have thus managed to achieve the objectives set in terms of productivity, flexibility and greater control of the printing activity, to continue to offer our customers the quality and variety of services that distinguish us, as well as the guarantee of a good product at the best price.”
The characteristics of speed and print quality allow the company to have an even wider range of proposed solutions. Also offering the possibility of printing directly onto fabric or transfer paper, the quick and easy changeover of textile materials allows for the production of a greater variety of printed solutions with limited waste. Ultima Displays also enjoys sustainability benefits through reduced ink usage and less waste produced.
Finally, through the HP PrintOS application, Ultima Displays can easily manage printing operations in any place and at any time, controlling its activity remotely also in terms of consumption, square meters printed and times of use. The cloud-based operating system therefore promotes not only productivity, but also flexibility, the first objective of the company, thanks to its exclusive suite of applications that offer greater control over processes and allow them to be simplified.

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